Resources/Frequently Asked Questions
Resources/ Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Chamber of Commerce?
A Chamber of Commerce is a membership-based business organization that works to promote the interests of businesses. Every Chamber of Commerce is different in the benefits they provide member businesses and the community. We encourage you to visit our Join the Chamber page to learn more!
How do I find the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce office?
We are located at 2830 100th Street, Suite 110, Urbandale, Iowa 50322. From I-35/I-80 take the Douglas Exit. Go East on Douglas to 100th Street. At 100th Street take a right (South). At the corner of 100th and Justin Drive, You will see our location at 2830 100th Street, Suite 110, Urbandale, Iowa 50322
How can I find out if an area business is a member of the Chamber?
How do I join the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce?
Joining the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce is easy! Click here for our online application. Anyone on staff with the Urbandale Chamber would be happy to set up a meeting as well. Simply call the office at (515) 331-6855 or email Tara Knight-Ortiz, our membership director, at [email protected]
Are membership dues and other fees tax deductible?
Your membership dues may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense for federal income tax purposes. It is estimated that one percent of your membership dues are used for advocacy purposes and are therefore not deductible as a business expense.
If my company is a member of the Chamber, does that make me a member too?
Yes! When a business becomes a Chamber member, all employees at that company’s address are automatically part of the Chamber and receive membership benefits.
Does an Urbandale Chamber membership give me access to other Des Moines area Chambers?
When you join the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce, you receive a complimentary membership to the Windsor Heights Chamber and the Greater Des Moines Partnership and all of the benefits afforded to their members. This “three for one” value offers businesses all the business to business connection their local Chamber provides, as well as the regional access and exposure the Partnership provides. The power of the Partnership is now supported by 24 regional Affiliate Chambers and business organizations and more than 6,000 regional member businesses!
This does not, however, provide individual memberships in each of the 24 Chambers from across the Region. Each Chamber carries different benefits and we encourage you to review the benefits of each of the Chambers to see which ones best fit your needs.
How do I register to attend an event?
Oftentimes members find it easiest to register through the event email sent prior to the event. This way, you do not need to know your user ID and password. You may also register through the Chamber Event Calendar on this site, or you can call the Chamber office at 515-331-6855.
Do I have to register to attend an event?
For most events, we ask for a reservation to accommodate everyone with food and beverage. Events such as our monthly membership luncheon typically are not able to accommodate walk-in traffic, so be sure to register in advance to ensure a space for the popular event.
Ribbon Cuttings do not require a reservation.
May I attend an event as a guest?
Absolutely! The Urbandale Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors recognizes it is important to “test drive” the Chamber before making a commitment. We allow guests to visit up to two Urbandale Chamber events within a calendar year. To register your guest, call us at (515) 331-6855.
What do I wear to Chamber events?
The Urbandale Chamber is made up of a wide variety of businesses. For most events, members wear whatever attire they wear to their job. For some, this is a suit and tie, for others, it is blue jeans. For annual events such as Sample Urbandale, A Celebration of Business we recommend business or cocktail attire.
How do I volunteer for the Chamber?
We have a number of volunteer opportunities available, depending on your preferences for the time of the year, your interests, goals etc. Give us a call at (515) 331-6855 and we will figure out what best suits your needs!
How do I register a complaint about a business?
We recommend you contact the Better Business Bureau of Greater Iowa through or by calling: (515) 243-8137.
Where do I find my member username/password?
How do I post a job opening?
How do I post a “Hot Deal” or “Member 2 Member” offer?
Hot Deals will immediately appear on the Chamber’s Facebook page, Twitter account, mobile app, and mobile website. Member 2 Member deals are found in the Member Information Center
How do I receive the Chamber eNewsletter?
Member businesses have the opportunity to add as many representatives to their listing. Every employee at a member business has the ability to receive Chamber emails, as well as the eNewsletter. To receive communication from the Chamber, ask the primary contact for your company to add you as a representative or call the Urbandale Chamber at (515) 331-6855 to be added. There is no additional charge for this.
How do I join the Windsor Heights Chamber?
Membership in the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce automatically makes you a member of the Windsor Heights Chamber of Commerce.
For businesses physically located in Windsor Heights will have a portion of their dues automatically go toward funding the Windsor Heights Chamber Committee with a focus on the Windsor Heights Community.
How do I adjust the type and amount of communication I receive from the Chamber?
Members can adjust their communication to better fit their preferences. Simply log in to your chamber account , go to Personal Info, click Groups & Interests, and then select or deselect your options accordingly.
Where can I learn more about the Fourth of July and other Urbandale community events?
For Fourth of July related festivities, we suggest you check out the Urbandale Fourth of July page. For a general scope on all Urbandale Community events, check out our Community Events Calendar.