Business Owner Programming
Business Owners benefit from the Urbandale Chamber through programming exclusively for them. Every spring the Chamber organizes a Business Owners Breakfast to connect with other member-owners, monthly a think-tank of owners gather to discuss hot topics impacting them to support each other in finding solutions. This monthly program called MOXIE (Member Owners eXchange Information & Experience) is an included benefit of membership.
One on one consulting is another benefit to business owners. The Chamber staff is seasoned and trained to assist in a number of areas, however, if the need goes outside of the scope of their training, the Chamber has partnerships with SCORE, the SBDC, and SBA to consult with business owners at no charge to assist with an issue at no charge.

M.O.X.I.E. (Members Owners Exchange Information
and Experience)
With the assistance of Christy Jones, Clarity Business Coaching, the MOXIE group discusses sensitive issues business owners face in a confidential environment. Participation in this group is an included benefit of membership in the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce.
Trust is a critical element of MOXIE. All owners must sign a confidentiality agreement upon participating. This allows members to have the confidence to actively participate, fully engage, and problem-solve together. MOXIE meets the first Wednesday of every month from 8 – 10 a.m.
What MOXIE Members Are Saying
See what Hiram Houghton, one of our members, has to say about his experience.

“The value and insight I have gained from MOXIE and from fellow business owners has been extremely valuable… I have been able to relate to a lot of these fellow owners, who through our conversations, have provided me insight as to how to handle various situations or things to consider as we grow. If you have considered attending, I would highly suggest making time to.”
Hiram Houghton
Launch IT Corp.
Greater Des Moines Partnership
As a member of the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce, you are automatically enrolled as a member of the Greater Des Moines Partnership. This membership further expands your marketing reach and regional involvment opportunities to include the entire Partnership region. This region goes as far east as Grinnell, north as Ankeny, west as Adel, and south as Knoxville.
The Partnership has tools such as a Diversity and Inclusion Tool Kit to help businsses get started in DEI. They hold Small Business educational sessions targeting topics to strengthen our small businesses in the region. Together with the Partnership we strengthen our advocacy voice at the State level and the Federal Level. There are ways to get involved and we encourage owners to learn more and plug into the Partnership. Grow Your Business Here!